Technical information

Technical information

World-leading propulsion systems

Transmissions and reducers

DPB - Housings 
(pdf - 251 KB)
DPS - Housings 
(pdf - 251 KB)
DPS – Gears & Shafts 
(pdf - 252 KB)
DPB - Gears & Shafts 
(pdf - 258 KB)
DPB - Synchronizer Parts 
(pdf - 260 KB)
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Testing and labs

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System integration for H2 solutions

V8 Engine Brochure 
(pdf - 713 KB)
FC Brochure 
(pdf - 1 MB)

Software engineering services

Early Software Development 
(pdf - 395 KB)
Controller Validation 
(pdf - 331 KB)
Vehicle Fleet Monitoring 
(pdf - 349 KB)
Knowledge Management Tool 
(pdf - 485 KB)
Automatic Root Cause Analysis 
(pdf - 379 KB)
Diesel Engine Control Systems 
(pdf - 476 KB)
Virtual Sensor Using Artificial Intelligence 
(pdf - 728 KB)
NOx Aftertreatment Control 
(pdf - 848 KB)
Customer Specific Production Software 
(pdf - 408 KB)
AUTOSAR Software Development 
(pdf - 347 KB)
New Diagnostic Development 
(pdf - 405 KB)
From EU OBD to OBD2 
(pdf - 423 KB)
Diagnostic Issue Resolution 
(pdf - 397 KB)
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Injectors and fuel rails

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HW engineering for propulsion solutions

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Gear reducers and automatic transmissions

Reducer for E-axle Specifications 
(pdf - 2 MB)
6L50 Specifications Sheet 
(pdf - 2 MB)
DHT Specifications 
(pdf - 877 KB)

Engines from OEM partners

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Control units

(pdf - 11 MB)
(pdf - 6 MB)
Technical Sheet VCU 
(pdf - 4 MB)

Battery and Flywheel Products

Revolution Battery Brochure 
(pdf - 3 MB)
Revolution Battery Spec Sheet 
(pdf - 956 KB)
Peak Power 200 Brochure 
(pdf - 2 MB)
Peak Power 200 Spec Sheet 
(pdf - 1 MB)
PowerSkid Brochure 
(pdf - 2 MB)
PowerSkid Spec Sheet 
(pdf - 769 KB)
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AI tailor-made solutions

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